Ilyan, Sadiyah & Zac Designated Open Space includes lands designated as Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and other public open spaces. These lands receive strong protected against development and are a vital component of London’s infrastructure. The Green Belt is established to prevent urban sprawl and protect the natural environment. While the Green Belt separates the urban from the rural, the Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) is strategic open land within the urban area. The Green Belt and the MOL are given the same level of protection. Other public open spaces refer to any other designated open spaces with public value. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) are sites that are of particular importance to wildlife and biodiversity. SINCs receive a high level of protection from development within the planning system. There are three tiers of SINCs: Sites of Metropolitan Importance, Sites of Borough Importance and Sites of Local Importance. Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) are London’s main reservoirs of industrial and related capacity. There are two types of SILs: Preferred Industrial Locations (PIL) and Industrial Business Parks (IBP). Development proposals within or adjacent to SILs should not compromise the integrity or effectiveness of these locations in accommodating industrial type activities Locally Significant Industrial (LSIS) Sites are sites that have particular local importance for industrial and related functions, which complement provision in SILs. Group 4