STUDENTS’ ROUTINE-ONANDOFCAMPUS Generalizedweeklyschedule STAKEHOLDERENGAGEMENT Byengagingwithstudents,wemanagedtoöndouthowthecampusötsintheirdailylifeandwhatismising.Theproblemsweidentiöed: 1.Noenoughplacestosocialize,dayornight-theyhavetogotoCentralLondonbytubeandbebackbefore12. Thisleadstolitletonomixingbetweencourses. 2.Thehalsroomslackprivacy. 3.Notenoughfoodfacilities. 4.Thecampusistoodarkatnight.



ThelivingclustersaremadeofprefabricatedCLT walsandasembliedonsiteforstainabilityreasons. Theclusterscanbereplicated,thenumberoføoors perunitcandiffer,aswelasthelengthofeach cluster.So,eachlivingclustercanhavefrom2rooms, toasmanyasdesiredorneeded,aslongasthe numberisdivisibleby2. Theareasinbetweentheclustersarecoridors,semi privateareassuchassharedkitchensand livingrooms,aswelaspubliccommonareassuchas Auditorium,PartyRoom,ArtStudio,Studyrooms, Cafeteria.Thesearespacesthattheexistingstudent acomodationonsitedoesnothave. Thelivingclusters,combinedwiththesemi-private andpublicplacesinbetweenformoneunit.Theunit canbealteredorreplicatedaroundthesiteforfuture development.Theunitswouldbeconnectedbythe (existing)ground,örstandsecondøoorcoridors, creating,thus,acontinuous,øuidbuilding,thatalso elegantlyconnectstheinteriorwiththeexterior. MASTERPLAN SCALE1:500 Posiblefuture development Living cluster Living cluster Living cluster Living cluster Wholeunit Posiblefuture development

GARDEN DEVELOPMENT MY-CO GREENHOUSES Site Visit: Chelsea Physics Garden Design: These gardens served as my main inspiration for the healing garden in my proposal. Site Visit: Pheonix Gardens Design: Creating a urban oasis and a place for reconnection with nature. REFERENCES Concept idea: Development of the garden zoning informed by the strategic planning from the early stages of the design. Defining the garden pockets in relation with the social spaces and working towards achieving a overview of the landscape masterplan with proposal. The focus of this diagram is to map and connect the existent preferred routes on site with the proposed intervention.


MEDICINAL HERBS/HEALING GARDENS COLD AND FLU Plants: Rosehip, elderberry (to drink), garlic, ginger, nettles (to eat), meadowsweet, eucalyptus, mint, sage, lemon balm and thyme. SELF-CARE Plants: St. John’s Wort, skullcap, valerian, vervain (to help with frayed nerves), lemon balm, rose ( to lift the mood), chili and ginseng (to boost the mind and body), rosemary(concentration), chamomile, lavender, rose, valerian( to relax) WOMEN’S HEALTH Plants: Ginger, lady’s mantle, lemon balm, nettle, raspberry, selfheal, yarrow THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Plants: Angelica, chamomile, nettles, fennel, peppermint, plantain seeds (for indigestion), blackberry, thyme, sage (steaming), cardamon. STRESS, IMMUNITY AND BALANCE Plants: Ginseng, ashwagandha, liquorice(adapting to change), californian poppy, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, passionflower, valerian(good night sleep) PLANT ANALYSIS MY-CO GREENHOUSES HERBS SEASONALITY

Exploring Movement on site in sequences I have begun to explore movement on site by taking photos of a student in motion and capturing steps that he took at each stage of the journey on the spine of the route. Tracing the movement in body, legs and feet helped me understand motion of the student further. At each step of walking there is a temporary instability. Journey is a continuous motion. Referemce: Biology Human Movement and Design

ANALYSIS OF ACOUSTICS ON SITE 10am 1:30pm Measuring Volume Quiet Loud Sound Analysis in Decibels Trees Music Vacuum Cleaner Train/ Construction Bird Call Car Conversation Sun path, existing trees and typography Visulisation of acoustics at Harrow Campus

NORTH FACING LONG SECTION 1:100 Bird call Music Insects attracted to wild flowers Talking

20 Construction Sequence Existing contoures Alternating ground (Semester One) Adding circulation to landscape Structural columns (Limestone) Steel I-beam connection Sub-structural baubuche addition Facade construction Platform creation Vision in the future The community in the Harrow campus is alive, thus making the situational proposal is to embrace the social nature that exists within the university. AS the focus is socialisation through circulation, the first semester’s masterplaning landscape of sensorial pathways was the next move to create the elements situated with the proposal. As pathways are ways to experience people, I am creating a way to experince yourself in them.

Botanical garden 1 2 Amphitheather 3 Gardening lab 4 Floor light installation MASTER PLAN 1:500 UNIVERCITY - ILLUMINATED LIVING 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 Vertical allotment 6 7 Safety pods Phase 2 7