178 MArch Architecture | Design Studio Eleven Out on the wily, windy moors…We’d roll and fall in green… How could you leave me… When I needed to possess you?… I hated you… I loved you, too… Bad dreams in the night… They told me I was going to lose the fight… Leave behind my… IN THE MIDST of a world-wide, 4th (technological) ‘revolution’, the ‘climate crisis’, what was a seemingly endemic ‘pandemic’ and the necessity to embrace new ways of living (outside the EU)… DS11, went NORTH… big challenges, fundamental questions. Together we considered how a repositioning of the territories, towns, trade and turmoil in the Nor th of England, might serve as an imaginative context for developing new understandings and visions for future human life and inhabitations. Learning from the peculiarities of the ‘rhubarb triangle’; investigating the fascinating layering of agriculture, trade and ar ts; Halifax with its ‘Piece Hall’ and Gentleman Jack up the hill; the swathe of coastal towns on the east coast, detached by the Nor th York Moors; lost souls, climate change, tourism, fishing and Dracula? Prior assumptions were challenged, and the studio naturally organised with shared territories and interests; Redcar steelworks re-invented, a trio facing and (re) presenting Scarborough, new expressions of Nor thern Souls in Whitby, the mystical world of the Gypsy Race revealed, new life and soul brought to Hebden Bridge and Halifax. And the imagining of a flooded future in Hornsea Mere. Our teaching methodology established an intense and productive star t to the year with four, week-long projects – Captured Souls, Fields of Desire, Homecoming and Repositioning – imaginatively connecting intuitions and ambitions with extracted intrinsic atmospheres of ‘Nor thern Soul’. These led to a clear, convincing positioning of projects and formed the basis for MArch2’s ‘Catalogue’ as a launch-pad for the second semester’s student-led thesis projects, and MArch1’s thematic and typological development of an architectural brief. A Depository of Souls: A new library for the Nor th? Dusan Decermic & Elantha Evans DS11: Northern Soul Productions Yr1: Sarah Daoudi, Suzana Meziad, Simon McLanaghan (top left) Rebecca Kelly + Lavinia Pennino: A Future Alternative Regeneration Microcosm – The F.A.R.M. Hornsea Mere; (top right & bottom left) Lavinia Pennino: Barrier to Physis – Towards a New Ergotopia; (bottom right) Rebecca Kelly: The Rig – Towards the New Biome DS11: Guided by Dusan Decermic and Elantha Evans, the studio is conceived as a supportive, open-minded, self-reflexive and critical framework. By negotiating design ambitions at large geographical or urban scales and their implications as architecture and as inhabited spaces, projects carefully explore the relationships between abstracted urban genetics and unearth unexpected possibilities for material rendering of space. Relevant, sensitive and emotive programmes are developed by each student in response to the contextual, socio-economic and political concerns exposed through careful study and reflection. Yr2: Dana Al Khammach, Babita Cooper, Mar ta Dziuba, Allaster Grant, Duncan Keeling, Rebecca Kelly, Lavinia Pennino, Gabriele Pesciotti, Sandra Sidarous Guest Critics: Nick Beech, John Cook,Tomasz Dancel-Fiszer,Tom Davison, Derin Fadina, Sam Giles, Clare Hamman, Daria Konopko, David Littlefield,Will McLean, Ar thur Mamou-Mani, John Ng, Jim Reed, Layton Reid, Geoff Shearcroft, Nancy Stevenson