1. 15. 16. 12. 13. 14. 1. Helicopter Pad 2. Engine Room 3. Common Area 4. Typical Residennal Floorplate 5. Node Plaaorm 6. External Growing Units 7. Insect 7. I Farm 8. Seaweed Farm 9. Fishing Pods 10. Food Producnon Algae Reactor 11. Verncal Farming Units 12. Fuel Generanng Algae Reactor 13. Boat Pumping Stanon 14. Small 14. Sm Vessel Freeport 15. Cargo Ship Freeport al Floor Plan 10. 5. 7. 4. 3. 11. 6. 2. 9. 8. (top left) Dana Al Khammach, Babita Cooper, Marta Dziuba, Simon McLanaghan: The Library of Souls, Bay Town (top right and bottom) Rebecca Kelly: Towards the New Biome – The Rig and The Future of Farming , Hornsea Mere