BADesigningCities: Planning&Architecture Year 3

Group1 Group2 Group4 Group4 Thamesmead Abbey Wood PROJECT: PLANNING POLICY AND DESIGN INTERVENTION Module Leaders: David Mathewson (Module Leader) David Seex (Term 1 Design + Planning Tutor) Abubokkar Siddiki (Term 2 Design Tutor, Community Planning Specialist) Leen Bafakih, Taruna Bangia, Sadiyah Bheekooa, Emanuele De Angelis, Cindy Duong, Giorgiana Fagaras, Naim Hassan, Marie Kaune, Mugel Khalafalla, Marc Messmer, Berhane Semere, Iliyan Topalov, Zakir Uddin

Brief & Programme The aim of this studio was to analyse Thamesmead and Abbey Wood and develop a deeper understanding of the area, leading to the development of individual master plan, architectural scheme and design proposals. The Planning Policy andDesign Intervention studio has been a year-longmodule combining lectures, workshops, group exercises and tutorials. The first coursework was focused on analysis and consisted of group work, which was then developed into individual proposals in coursework two. Progress was regularly presented to a panel of tutors and external jurors who provided insightful feedback and new perspectives through their professional backgrounds. Image by: Marc Messmer


Marc, Emanuele & Giorgiana Group 1

Group 2 Marie, Cindy, Naim & Leen

Mugel, Taruna & Berhane 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 m Scale 1:6800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 m Scale 1:6800 Group 3 Green and Public spaces Frontages Building Periods Retail Activity Flood risks Key Study area Active Frontages No building frontages Study area School Grounds Playing fields/Public Spaces Front & Back private residential Gardens Land use changing Amentiy - Residential Key Pre 1900 1900 - 1918 1930 - 1939 1955 - 1964 1965 - 1972 1983 - 1992 1993 - 1999 2010 -2015

Ilyan, Sadiyah & Zac Designated Open Space includes lands designated as Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and other public open spaces. These lands receive strong protected against development and are a vital component of London’s infrastructure. The Green Belt is established to prevent urban sprawl and protect the natural environment. While the Green Belt separates the urban from the rural, the Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) is strategic open land within the urban area. The Green Belt and the MOL are given the same level of protection. Other public open spaces refer to any other designated open spaces with public value. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) are sites that are of particular importance to wildlife and biodiversity. SINCs receive a high level of protection from development within the planning system. There are three tiers of SINCs: Sites of Metropolitan Importance, Sites of Borough Importance and Sites of Local Importance. Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) are London’s main reservoirs of industrial and related capacity. There are two types of SILs: Preferred Industrial Locations (PIL) and Industrial Business Parks (IBP). Development proposals within or adjacent to SILs should not compromise the integrity or effectiveness of these locations in accommodating industrial type activities Locally Significant Industrial (LSIS) Sites are sites that have particular local importance for industrial and related functions, which complement provision in SILs. Group 4

Student Work

Individual work: Marc Messmer

Individual work: Emanuele De Angelis 11 SITE PLAN and SECTION - with new development - 17 RETAIL MIXEDUSE (Work-livingspace) RESIDENTIAL UNDERUTILESED LAND (Abandoned gated playground and vacant land by Peabody Legacy) AMENITIES (Cafe in the park) 14 OVERALL 3DMASSINGMODEL 26 - Unlocking underutilised spaces through community-led initiatives - 29 ARCHITECTURE - building proposal - oor plan and materials - A ordable studio ats at Ground Floor targeted for cerative selfemployees Private luxury penthouses to reinvest great income in the “Unlocking garages” project at the adjacent retro tted Ground Floor e Moorings. First, second and third oor: 1,2 beds at for mixed needs and users - intermediate a rodable Use of glass to allow lights come through Use of glass to allow lights come through Balconies: Use of lighter brickwork and perforated cladding

Individual work: Marie Kaune

Individual work: Leen Bafakih

Individual work: Mugel Khalafalla

Individual work: Taruna Bangia

Individual work: Berhane Semere

Individual work: Iliyan Topalov,

Individual work: Sadiyah Bheekooa Scale 1:10,000 PROPOSED PLAN 8 3 3

Presentations and Pin-ups